Mais oui, c’est sa….nous sommes on our hollibobs francais avec le cycling n’est pas?
Ok day two has begun and first thing to say is Nicky Sparkles is feeling a good deal happier with the world! Yes I’m sore (to be honest “sore” does not cover it but for the purposes of your interest / donations lets just call it sore) and no I am still very much not “at one” with the idea that I can do another 90 miles today let alone get to Africa (haha, honesty who came up with that absolutely ridonculous idea?) but a good, albeit short sleep ,even in a bunk bed, has worked miracles plus obviously a full English (vegetarian option available for those that didn’t apply suncream yesterday….just saying!) helps.
Oh yes and let’s just get it over and done with shall we….yes i have brought an eye mask, yes it really does help me sleep and yes I do like the silky feeling on my skin!
We were woken up this morning at 545 French time (so basically another hour of sleep gone forever) to an almost pleasant gentle wind chime kind of noise which they obviously play into everyone on the ferry to give them a nice pleasing wake up. You do need to get up though because the next one 2 minutes later is appreciably louder a the third one nearly caused an “incident” in our cabin!
A short while later we are down in the bowels of the ship to get our bikes (is it me or does he look like he really is actually stealing that bike) and after queuing for what seems like an eternity at passport control (it’s Brexit don’t you know) we are off and away through the Normandy countryside….and it is beautiful. First stop of the day in Caen for a supermarket which google tells us will open shortly (I am writing this bit while we wait) even though it is Sunday and, I think, a bank holiday.
Jackpot!!!! It opens promptly at 9am and supplies replenished we head off due south along the very pretty (and mercifully flat) Voie verte de La suisse normandie and pretty quickly we clock up 30 miles. If you are new to the whole TMAAT experience then you need to know that second breakfast can only happen when at least a third of the miles for the day are done . As the 30th mile clicks over it feels like the perfect time then for “beans a la Francais” which are heated up at the side of the cycle path….we are nothing if not classy. Before you comment yes I’m aware that is double beans for the day but you know needs must and we can worry about it later!
Unfortunately shorty afterwards the lovely flat cycle path turns into a hate filled, vomit inducing series of ups and downs. Professionals would probably call it “undulating” I call it a living nightmare. I was under the misapprehension that Normandy was flat…take it from me…not so much!
We make ourselves push on to the 55 mile mark before stopping for the previously purchased lunch (I.e more than half of the days miles, another “thing” we do to satiate our mental weakness) and then subject ourselves to more seemingly relentless ups. Finally we arrive in Mayenne and miracle of miracles we find yet another small supermarche open and stock up on supplies (I mean beers!). A short five minute ride later and we arrive at Camping du Gué St. Léonard and a really friendly and helpful guy at the open (I had my doubts tbh) reception checks us in. Tent up (ickle Dan was zero help) showered and changed and stove on for pasta dinner….ladies and gentleman, I give you the end of day two!!
Unsurprisingly I think I am probably a bit too “me” and not enough “Bob Geldof” to be a serious fundraiser but please, be under no illusion, if you are reading this now your donation genuinely makes such a huge difference and it means so, so much to us… lets us know that all this pain and discomfort and struggle (and that’s the most polite word that comes to mind right now) actually means something. Please donate now.