Each year when we start thinking about our next adventure the conversation naturally also turns to the question of “which charity should we support this time?”. Typically one cause will resonate with one or all of us more than others and so it actually tends to be a very short conversation but this year the decision was by some margin the easiest ever and pretty much instant.
I mentioned to Dan and Marc that my friend (and coincidentally former landlady….long story!) Ingrid had just received the shocking news that she had breast cancer and so I put that forward as my suggestion and asked how they felt about raising money for a breast cancer charity. Fair to say that they both instantly pounced on the idea, citing other friends and family they knew that had had the same awful, life adjusting news. Turns out that between us we could name eight different people who had or who had had breast cancer and so that was that……decision made!
Ingrid is, as I say, my “friend” but that really does not properly describe one of the genuinely most amazing people I know. I expect I will get phone calls for saying this but I can confidently say that in all the time I have known her she has consistently appeared in my top three “most favourite people” (Yes I keep a list! BTW, if you do decide to get in touch to see where you appear on the list I can save you the bother…..I like you (probably!) but I can pretty much guarantee you are not in the top three!). Ingrid is the kindest, funniest, most alive, most beautiful inside and out human being you could ever have the good fortune to know and it is honestly an absolute privilege to be part of her life, count her as a friend and to be in her company.
Ingrid, as the inspiration for our adventure and fund raising this year, has also very kindly, and bravely agreed to share a little of her story here……….please read on.
Ingrid Wheeler-Ireland
“The words 'you have cancer' are words no one ever wants to hear.....but telling those you love that you have cancer has to be the worse thing you will ever have to do.
That really sounds bleak doesnt it? and yes it did feel bleak to start with.....
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2022....and frankly, you could have knocked me down with a feather....I've always been a bit on the lumpy side so when I found 'another lump' I really thought nothing of it but just to be on the safe side I got it checked out....and luckily for me I did.
And I am definitely one of the lucky ones. I had surgery, radiotherapy and now hormone therapy, which basically means I'm a sweaty lump and sleep is a thing of the past but hey....I'm now in the clear and getting my life back on track.
The most lucky thing is that it was caught early, was relatively small and most importantly, that cancer research and investment in treatment pathways now means that a cancer diagnosis, particularly for breast cancer, is no longer a death sentence (in most cases anyway).
I was also lucky to have the most amazing friends and loved ones around me who, knowing my need to joke about EVERYTHING dealt with my gallows humour, laughed with me when I was thinking about wig verses a jaunty hat or the potential for a cheap boob job on the NHS......and in those very occasional moments, cried with me when I couldn't joke anymore. Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart.
And now Nick and the very lovely three men a la tent people want to raise money for Breast Cancer UK......just wonderful.
As I have said, outcomes are generally good for women and men (yes men can get it too) diagnosed with breast cancer, but the more those lovely scientists can do to find out more about the disease and the more that is done to raise awareness and help prevent those cases that can be prevented in the first place, then the better equipped we will be to fight it.
Thanks for reading, supporting and cycling....and please, please, please dont forget to donate…..xxx”