Three Men and a Tent
A few years ago we (Marc, Dan and I) decided it would be a really good idea (as I recall quite a few drinks were involved in the decision making process) to see how far we could cycle in a day, camp for the night and then cycle home. It turned out that despite our relative lack of fitness and advancing years it was quite a long way (we got to Wales) and that we enjoyed it….a lot! Three men and a Tent was born and we have been off having amazing adventures ever since.
Each time we head off on one of our epic adventures we try, some would argue with limited success, to write about our experiences and then share them in a daily blog which charts our progress. This website pulls all these stories together in one place for the first time, alongside news about other events we have, or will be, involved in.
Our aim has always been to raise as much money as we can for charity in the name of fun, friendship and the simple joy of travelling through the countryside under our own steam.
We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures even a fraction as much as we enjoyed having them.
Thanks for reading and for your support.
Nick, Marc, Dan and the ever faithful “Mutha Hubba” (aka Three Men and a Tent)