….and finally it’s here…TMAAT is up and running again….whoop whoop…we are on our way to AFRICA!!!!!
Right now as I am writing this it’s late (for me at least) and we are in the somewhat un exotic (and very chilly) Portsmouth docks foraging for food and about to queue to board our ferry to Caen. I guess I will tell you more about that tomorrow but in the meantime lets wind back a little and tell you about the last 24 hours.
It’s fair to say that I am, at least to look at, a fully grown adult (over grown even and arguably maybe less of the “adult” bit) and you might ordinarily assume then that i have at least some semblance of control over my emotions. In reality the night before we head off (i.e yesterday) I am barely keeping a lid on things. My inner monologue (which in case you hadn’t spotted essentially writes this blog) has lost all sense of balance and proportion and every second that passes it is talking me out of what is of course a stupid, stupid challenge.
The voice gets quite a bit louder when Marc turns up mid afternoon looking chilled, slim, fit and carrying panniers which look like they weigh less than a mosquitoes fart. Oh jeez….I have made a terrible terrible miscalculation here….how the hell do I get out of this mess!
In a desperate attempt to get some kind a equilibrium and proportion (and perhaps offload some of the things I had packed or better still sneak them into Marcs panniers) I suggest that we layout all our “stuff” so we can show on the blog what three weeks looks like for two men and a tent……and it’s a lot!
You would think that if either of us were destined to be a media sensation there’s not much argument over which one it should be right? The world is though a fickle and short sighted place sometimes so yes of course it’s Marc who has been interviewed for a piece in the Redditch Standard https://redditchstandard.co.uk/search/. It’s also Marc who gets the call from BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester to be interviewed for a piece that will run every half an hour all day Saturday and again for a “live” update on Monday at 0730. To be fair it’s pretty exciting to get any kind of attention for TMAAT and what we are trying to do, plus if anyone ever had the most perfect face for radio…we’ll, I’m just saying.
In now traditional TMAAT style we have a great evening with lots of Moroccan themed food (thanks @Nawal Lakhdar for the top tips!), lots of calls and texts wishing us luck for tomorrow and lots (some might say perhaps rather too many) celebratory toasts. Certainly my head feels somewhat delicate when all the nervous energy and excitement about what lies ahead wakes me up just before 5am and I then anxiously pace around the house waiting for “the” day to begin.
Eventually after much tea and procrastination the day does begin and we head off for Trafalgar Square around 1045 for our customary photo shoot. Time also to introduce you our third man on our epic adventures….please say hello to “ickle Dan” #onlyickledanfans.
I have I realise skilfully managed to skirt over the very very hard goodbyes…..harder than ever this time and Jo, I miss you so much already!
Whilst Marc and I have both been checked out and reportedly had no abnormalities or enlargement in the prostrate department the same clearly cannot be said of our teeny tiny shrivelled bladders….two stops before we even get out of London is just extraordinary!!!
Now seems like a good time to namecheck our third man albeit with no tent this time. Big Dan, as he now obviously has to be known, set himself up at the Orchard Cafe and rowed the first 60000 metres of a 240000 total he will complete over the next two weeks…..maximum kudos to you Dan
Running out of time now (it is oh so bed time!) to tell you a great deal about our ride today other than it hurt….a lot! The first day is always one of the hardest and your body basically goes into some sort of shock when it realises you are actually serious….you are really going to carry all that weight (yes I mean the panniers ….rude!) up all those hills over all those miles again and again and again. …it’s a sobering experience.
It’s also a slightly worrying experience for me….it’s only the first day and yes it was a lot (96 miles and 4300 feet of climbing) but this needs to quickly feel a lot easier if I am not going to really struggle every day for the next 2 and a bit weeks. Safe to say I have not yet properly found my happy place although a beer and bed definitely help!
How weird do I look….I’m blaming the photographer!
Thanks for reading and sorry it’s late…..I will do better I promise…..and don’t forget, all this angst and physical discomfort is in aid of Prostate Cancer Uk so please do give generously.