When we arrive at our campsite in the little town of Lasa it’s around 4pm and we are understandably, bushed. There is no one in reception but there is a sign saying they will be back at 1900.
We set up camp in the first available pitch we see and go about relaxing, cleaning ourselves up and of course celebrating.
Disappointingly it’s clear when reception does open that we have committed some terrible sin and we are instructed to move immediately…no biggie but we do look a bit odd carrying our fully set up tent across the camp to a more amenable (to the owner, we were very happy with our choices) location!
When we wake to the simultaneous chiming of my alarm and the church bell we are up and out super quick. We both recognise that today is a return to big miles and long days so we are keen to get an early start and break the back of it.
Mountains passes (not least the Stelvio Pass!!!) are of course hugely challenging but so are less climby, long draggy days like we expect to do today. To be fair doing anything for 9 or 10 hours at a time is pretty challenging!
It’s clear very quickly that in our keeness to get away we have made a navigation error (yes I know, shocker right!) and the first couple of miles are on a very very busy main road where we are hemmed in between traffic trying to pass us and the crash barrier. It’s probably the scariest bit of road since we started. Thankfully we do though pick up a cycle path which promises to take us all the way down the valley to Morano.
We both notice that the river we are following is now flowing in the same direction as us (i.e. away from the Alps) instead of against us which is what we have had since Bodensee absolutely eons ago. I actually feel a bit sad leaving the Alps behind now ….they have been utterly amazing.
The cycle path absolutely delivers on its promise and we cruise along for miles and miles on a traffic free cycle path just gently dropping a few feet of altitude every so often. When we arrive in Morano there is a bit of frustration when we lose the path and can’t find directions to Bolzano, our next town, but we do eventually pick it up again. Not only that but the cycle path again promises to take us all the way there.
Whilst we are as I have said sad to leave the Alps and especially the spectacular scenery, the views todays are still pretty breathtaking. I am not sure what you would call this part of the world. Technically I guess we are still in the Alps just not the “haute Alpes”. The river we are tracking is the Adige so maybe the “Adige Valley”? What I do know is what they grow in this part of the world, seemingly to the exclusion of everything else, is apples, millions and squillions of apples.
Once again the cycle path delivers and we pick up some supermarket lunch in Bolzano then cycle on 5 miles for lunch by the river.
At the risk of banging on about this amazing cycle path perhaps I will just cut to the chase and tell you that it takes us all the way to Trento…..just over 75 miles of beautiful, traffic free cycle path.
As an aside I want to share the two key lessons everyone can take from our experience. The first is that everyone can achieve far more than they ever think they can if they put their mind to it. The second is that you should never lay on a bench with a banana in your back pocket.
As we all know regrettably all good things must come to an end and when we leave the path to head east we are punished (it feels like) with the most insane and very, very steep up. We climb up about 1000 feet in 3 miles ( which is basically too much) and I am ashamed to say that for only the second time ever (and on this trip) we push.
Eventually after 94 miles and 10 1/2 hours we roll into our campsite on the shores of lago di caldonozzo and we are very glad we booked as it is absolutely heaving.
Final thing for today’s blog….I previously mentioned that our friend (loosely, I mean we call her that to her face) Emma Welch and all those at the Acute Medicine Team at the Alex hospital Redditch, had raised £250 from their quiz night, well I was wrong! In fact they have raised a massive stupendous, amazing £470!!!
Thank you so much everyone….you are all legends.